Phantom Fest is a vibrant collection of artists and writers, united by our passion for pop culture. What started as a spooky and festive celebration of all things Halloween has transformed into an immersive community celebration of the arts in all forms.
In 2020, we were inspired to help artists in the city of Austin in the wake of the COVID pandemic, so we kicked off with Shock the Vote ATX, a community engagement program that increased voter activity and raised awareness for six Austin non-profits through 50 artistic events over the months of September and October. From there came Phantom Fest, an annual celebration of all things Halloween. Now we’re kicking the doors off to deliver dynamic events and showcase brilliant artists at phenomenal venues, while building an online community filled with lively discussion and friendly debates so you never miss a chance to be in the conversation.
We’re here to create memories and connect through art that moves us. That starts with you. So show some spirit and get in touch. You’re always welcome

What I love about Austin: To give a spin on the classic David Kirby song, I wasn't born in Austin but I got here as fast as I could (I know, I'm hardly the only one). Austin's a vibrant outlier in the great state of Texas and it should be a place for everyone. It's a city and community that's constantly changing, one that holds proudly to the idea of being weird (Portland, love you, but we want our slogan back), and is, at its best, a mosaic of the arts, technology, nature, and intimate involvement with the beautiful people here.

Jordan Brown
If you can’t make ‘em, then build ‘em a platform. Infatuated with films (but not one to create them herself), Jordan has worked to carve out a niche as content curator and event coordinator. She loves the intimacy of sharing movies with a crowd - the odder the film, the better.
A founding member of Other Worlds Film Festival during its 9-year reign of SciFi + Horror greatness, she also worked as Co-Director of Duluth Superior Film Festival, a boutique festival in her hometown focused on Nordic and Indigenous programming. She’s fortunate to count Sundance, Tribeca, Telluride, and Austin Film Festival among her professional history. If you see her around, ask her about her dog Huck or her metalworking!
Bethany-Jo Hernandez
Bethany was born and raised in Austin, Texas, a fact she is overly proud of for no good reason. She graduated from LASA which is a magnet school where kids with spicy brains go to get burned out. Graduating with no plan for the future she stumbled through life until she found her purpose; TO PARTY!!! So now she works with Phantom Fest to bring to life dynamic events inspired by a collective passion for all things pop culture. She also works with St. Primo which is a production company focusing on Latino voices as well as donates her time to We Luv Video, just for funsies. Most importantly, Bethany is the co-producer, co-star, and co-creator of Paranormal Putas Podcast, which has been Nominated for best of Austin twice. After all that, we are starting to think Bethany may have some form of undiagnosed ADHD, and by "we" I mean me. This was written by Bethany.
Phantom Fest is a community-building festival and program. Any expressed viewpoints of participating entities are their own and are not a representation of the views of Phantom Fest and its beneficiaries.